So back from a weekend exhibition where I got to show off Mr.Grayscale and have to say it was a blast.
It was amazing to get feedback in person and see people actually enjoying themselves.
There is now a Twitter, and Facebook page to follow, and also a Discord channel you can join.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MrGrayscaleGame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mr_Grayscale
Discord: https://discord.gg/qDfkn67
So dev log stuff. I have created a new mechanic that was solely for the exhibition for Mr.Grayscale of opening up blocks to progress through a level. This level turned out to be a success and a nuisance. It showed me again the importance of play testing a level with people who have never played before. Why? Well people struggled with this level meaning the difficulty spike was too high too fast. Some people enjoyed this, but others gave up frustrated that they couldn't finish it.
On top of this, an older mechanic where only a few people were understanding how it worked through trial and error. So this means back to the drawing board.
So I thought I may have been further in development than I was but I have now realised I am a lot further behind than initially thought.
Anyway until next time :D