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Interesting concept, having the room fill with water the more you die.  Was there a specific reason why I was a balloon.  To me it didn't make much sense as balloons float.  

The game definitely needs quite a bit of polish though.  I got to the level with the jug and had no idea what I the jug did.  I couldn't seem to get up to the first platform, and for some reason, the cactus kept disappearing.  

My main suggestion would be to make it more clear to players as to how to play, at least until the main mechanics are understood

yeah I will be making some more stuff after the jam ends and the reason you are a balloon is that otherwise there is no explanation why the water rises and the cactus is meant to disappear I said it in the discription I will make it more clear and the jug increase your amount  of deaths that increases the water you only have 3 deaths that will rise the water and the jug gives you kind of a refill so if you have like 2 water death remaining it will be 3 if 3 water death remaining nothing happens