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Great game, and well polished for the short time limit given.  While the concept has been done before, you added a new twist by giving the ability to pick up and throw the corpses afterword.  

The only real problem I found was how you could stick to walls but not jump off them.   Also, dying while holding a corpse causes the held corpse to not interact with anything. I don't see this as a problem because you can mess around with, but felt like I should share.

Also, if you decide to continue working on the game, I'd suggest adding some kind of visual indicator so you know which one is you.  Maybe a green light that turns read when you die?

Hi, first of all thankyou so much for your feedback! it means alot. The sticking to walls problem is something were currently working on. The corpses can actually interact with triggers! Colliders in the other hand we couldnt fix in time, that is also something else were trying to fix.  We're definitely going to continue working on the project and will definitely implement something that differentiates the player from the corpses, thank you for that tip!