Hey! I have some feedback for your game:
- The player is too slow. You need to die too many times for having such a slow player. Now, either make the player faster or add checkpoints between levels.
- Speaking of movement, there is no just in time jump/coyote jump. That means that if I walk off a ledge, say 0.1 seconds too late. I'll not be able to jump. That's an easy fix ( most likely ). Instead of checking whether the player is grounded, make it so that if the player is grounded, make a variable called coyote jump to be baseCoyoteJump, and when checking to see if the player can jump see if coyoteJump > 0.
Pseudo code:
public float baseCoyoteJump; // declare this on the Unity Inspector
float coyoteJump;
void Update()
// check if player is grounded with a fucntion or whateve
coyoteJump = baseCoyoteJump;
coyoteJump -= Time.deltaTime;
if(coyoteJump > 0 && // see if the player pressed the jump key)
coyoteJump = -1;
// do your jump function
- Back to your game: sometimes the SFX of the bouncy thing plays twice. To fix that just add a cooldown between each SFX.
- Once dieing felt completely unfair. One of the red dogs was in a place I could absolutely not see. Even though this only happened once, avoid making the player die for no apparent reason.
Even though completing the game took me quite a lot of time ( first point ), I still beat it: