Try this script. It uses a custom state_change handler to check if the key in the map is a single value or a table, if it is a table, it calls SendKey() on all elements of the table. Note: You may not achieve the desired results with this as the SendKey() calls might have to have some delay inserted. I plan to have this built-in as part of a future update.
--This script is used with joysticker Pro
--Below is our mapping table which tells Joysticker which keys to press for a corresponding Joystick Input
--Remaps analog dp/down/left/right to the arrow keys, Joystick Button a to 'Z' and 'A', and Joystick Button x to 'X' and 'V'
--This demonstrates a way to map single joystick inputs to multiple keypress outputs
local map = Map{
name = "Player1", --the name is optional
padUp = Key.Up,
padDown = Key.Down,
padLeft = Key.Left,
padRight = Key.Right,
a = {Key.Z,Key.A},
x = {Key.X, Key.V} }
--Tell JoystickerPro to also map the Left analog stick of the joystick
--to the pad controls: up, down, left, right
JS.analog_conversion_mode = JS.CONVERT_LEFT
--Add the maping to JoystickerPro's controller maps
-------Custom Callback:
--state_change() is called whenever a joystick input changes state
--You can provide your own implementations of the state_change callback and
--do whatever you want in response to joystick input
--This handler does some of what the default handler does in that
--it takes the input_type and looks for a corresponding key mapping in the mappings table
--NOTE: If you do this, the JS.analog_conversion_mode will no longer work. You can re-implement it
-- by making use of the ConvertAnalogAxisToDigital() method (see docs/README.txt for more info)
function state_change(stick_id, input_type, state)
local m = JS.FindMapping(stick_id)
local keys = m[input_type]
if (keys ~= nil) then
print(input_type .. " =[" .. state .. "]=\n")
--If it is a table, then assume multiple keys
if type(keys) == "table" then
for k,v in pairs(keys) do
JS.SendKey(v, state)
JS.SendKey(keys, state)
elseif (state == 1) then--Only print the message when the input is active
print("Unassigned: ".. input_type .. "\n")