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(2 edits) (+1)

OK, I played the game like seven times. I have had a lot of fun finding the key! I found it in a lot of clever locations!

Very fun, didn't expect to play it so many times but I enjoyed. There is room for improvement, maybe more sounds, maybe some color for the walls... I think there was a game already like this called "Dude where is my key?" so I can't exactly call it original, not sure if it follows the theme exactly, but I still had fun.

Out of curiosity, how many places can the key hide?

(1 edit)

I'm glad you enjoyed! I tried to make my game more original than the other games in the jam by saying "the more you fail at finding, the less options there are". I don't want to reveal how to many places the key could be so I'm just going to say a little over 10. I'm a little upset that there was a game similar to mine but I didn't realize it until you pointed it out.

Also, can you please edit your comment revealing some of the keys locations? I wouldn't want anyone to be spoiled on where they are by seeing your comment by accident.



I didn't think people would read the comments before they play the game though.