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(4 edits)

I know I'm late to the party and that you abandoned this, but thank you for leaving it up to download. I enjoyed it for what it is. Why'd you abandon it anyway? Maybe you and anyone else that wants to try it can still appreciate a comment about it. I see on Youtube you showed videos up to beta version 5, but this downloadable version says beta version 1. So this downloadable version is still beta version 1? Or maybe not much was changed between them anyway? Whatever version it is, for early development it's pretty good. It's playable and fun with the bare essentials, has decent character design and some nice jiggle physics for Nozomi (would've liked to see for Sayaka too).

Even though there's just one attack, it could take some time to get the hang of the game and controls. But the opponent (Sayaka) is actually a suitable difficulty for new players, as she isn't that aggressive and is pretty simple minded. Once you do get the hang of it or get good though, it becomes pretty easy to win. But that's probably for the best since this is like an introductory demo or test version, some of the controls or physics are weird or unpolished, and the attack has quite a bit of range and knock back. A more complete version would probably be more polished and have a higher opponent difficulty level or two, along with this beginning difficulty. There are also some glitches that you may not know about.

Sliding and Super Speed: I noticed that if you hold the up or down arrow key, after about a second your character (Nozomi) will speed up and slide around fast and unrealistically, for as long as you hold it down. But Sayaka moves that quickly or faster whenever she decides to move towards you, like at the start of a round or if you move out of range before she attacks. Even stranger, if you attack Sayaka and then immediately move farther away, she will move at near warp speed, away from you at first, but then towards you to get in range of you again. It's like seeing an afterimage.

Dodging: Nozomi moving to her left/right rather than your left/right takes some getting used to. But the sliding method I just mentioned may actually be a better way to dodge Sayaka's attacks than trying to use the left and right arrow keys, which usually don't move you far enough over to dodge. Also once Sayaka begins her attack animation, it's too late to dodge left or right, meaning you have to predict when she's about to attack and dodge before she begins her attack animation, if you want any chance of dodging. Otherwise just attack before she does when you're close enough.

Attacking: As said before the attack has quite a bit of range and knock back. But this may not be an issue by itself. It's more so that the attack has more range than it appears, because Nozomi and Sayaka don't even need to appear touching for attacks to connect. That goes for both distance and area of effect width, as in the left or right sides of them. That's also partly why dodging left or right usually isn't effective. But I realize that the attack's big range and knock back helps the opponent (Sayaka) fight more effectively and put up any sort of challenge.

Attack Glitch: If you spam the attack button fast enough or time it right, you can go off the edge of the platform without falling in the water, or get back onto the platform without falling off, though you may fall slightly between attacks. If you do this to move off and away from the platform, Sayaka will follow you to stay in range until she falls in the water and you win, at which point you also fall in. I have also seen Sayaka attack after pushing her off the platform. Of course she doesn't attack more than once before either falling off or getting back on the platform, but it may have gave me the idea to try it.

Visual Glitch: You may have already knew about this, as it's noticeable in some of your Youtube videos. When Nozomi or Sayaka is near the top center of the screen/platform, she may appear to be missing hair from the top of her head. It's more noticeable when she's facing towards you, or when she's bending over while attacking.

Exit Button: Having it on the platform is inconvenient. Not just visually, but because you need click to attack and may exit the game on accident. If you use the left mouse button to attack and have the mouse over the exit button when you try to attack, you will exit the game. It's happened to me a few times. It'd be better to put the exit button near the bottom left or bottom right of the screen, off the platform. Your email is also on the platform, so might as well move that too.

Thank you for your review! I didn't think people were still playing this! To be honest, I haven't touched this since 2017. I almost forgot it existed.

As for the reasons why I abandoned this project:

- Keijo is a copyrighted work so I might get in trouble later on;

- When I released this beta, people didn't seem very interested. Even though I promoted it on Reddit, 4chan, YouTube, anime/manga foruns, etc, I didn't get much feedback;

- Keijo's manga was cancelled a few months after this project was released;

- I got a job as a web developer so I no longer had the time to work on this;

About the beta version: there's only one beta version. The videos on YouTube were named "Keijo!!!!!!!! Fan Game - Beta Version [Number]", but the [number] there is the number of the video, not the number of the version. So for example "Keijo!!!!!!!! Fan Game - Beta Version 5" is the fifth video showcasing the beta version of this fan game. Maybe I should have named them something like "Keijo!!!!!!!! Fan Game (Beta Version) - Example Video [Number]".

(2 edits)

Wow that was fast. But wait, if you haven't touched this since 2017 and almost forgot it existed, then why does it say it was updated on September 2nd, 2020? I thought maybe that was when you wrote that you abandoned this project. But yeah for your videos "Example Video [Number]" or "Video [Number]" would've been more clear.

I wouldn't necessarily say people are still playing this just because I did. I was searching to see if a Keijo game was ever made and found this. I guess Keijo didn't do that well and never got an official game. But Dead or Alive Xtreme has a Butt Battle minigame which is very similar. Xtreme 3 even got Keijo swimsuits, but it never got released in North America and Europe. Probably because of prevailing cultural differences and/or because Xtreme 2 didn't sell as well there. A Keijo game might have faced similar problems elsewhere even if it did good in Japan.

"-Keijo's manga was cancelled a few months after this project was released"

"-Keijo is a copyrighted work so I might get in trouble later on"

I understand these reasons, but it's kind of ironic that both of these can be reasons at the same time. You might think that if something was cancelled due to poor performance, that making fan-based works for noncommercial purposes shouldn't be an issue. But alas, it's not that simple and the world can be a cruel place. At least my review serves as some feedback. Maybe it can be insightful for other games that you make or any other people that try playing this. Would like to see this worked on more eventually but I know that's unlikely.