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Don't wanna ruin everyone's expectations, but the main game will likely never be released. The devs for this game are known to be extremely lazy, and the fact that they put more time and effort in side game rather than the main story says a lot. Devs wanted to make quick money  without much efforts. (not saying the side game is bad, but it's definitely low effort for its price)

Having to pay 10$ for a 50k words long visual novel is ridiculous, especially when there are very, very good and wayyy longer visual novels out there you can get for free or like, 5$. 

Seriously. I know i sound b*tchy but it has to be said.

So yeah, don't get your hopes up, pretty sure this is never going to be a finished product, and it was planned to be this way from the very beginning.


Can back this up from having known the lead dev lol


wow, what awful people. Ugh