To answer the 4 questions stated in the VN's description:
1. I really enjoyed it especially the tension & mystery written into the plot. I was filled with anxiety throughout many parts & that was very thrilling. The writing was also very deep in parts. It made me think about things like what it would be like to be in the MC'c situation & have amnesia while wondering if I'm a criminal or not...
2. The characters are very interesting & their motivations are often unclear which adds to the enjoyment I experienced while playing. I also like the backgrounds & artwork a lot esp. the character sprites.
3. For improvement I would like some choices that I can make towards action in the plot that affects the direction it goes in. Since this is a VN I was confused because it was all text & no choices. Possibly I missed something stating it would have no choices?!
4. When it suddenly ended I didn't know it was only the 1st part & was upset that I never found out the MC's real name. So I am really looking forward to the next phase!
I would also like to mention that I liked the music box feature & feel the songs matched the mood of the plot very well. Keep up the great work...