This game is pretty simple, but lots of fun. I enjoyed figuring out my plan of action when I first entered a room, and then the thrill of putting that plan to action as the guards chased me. It was a bit unclear on the first screen, as I thought the walls were already invisible, but I quickly realized that there were no walls until the later levels. For the guards, I really like their cone of vision lines and how they interact with the invisible walls. It could sort of be used as a strategy to remember where the walls are by looking at the ends of the vision lines. Something I might test out is making the cone fully visible with a transparent triangle/raycast of some sort, so the walls could be even more defined, and you would know more concretely when the guards can see you. However, I can understand keeping it out if it makes the game too easy. I was also confused how the guards would snap back into place after you exited their vision, but this is also understandable as well, as the game might become either very hard or too easy if this was not done. I feel like if you were planning to work on this game more in the future, art assets could go a long way, but overall the base mechanics are very much there, and I had a great time playing it!