Quick first impression: I liked the tone of it. It's very gentle and I could def. relate to the character!
Specific feedback: I wasn't quite sure what my action of "clicking things" meant in the story... mm I don't know how to express this. To start with, I thought I was playing as Sam & choosing her actions. But later, I had the option to click some things which said what other characters did, not what Sam did. So then I felt like I was the "director" of this scene... and the shift in perspective was jarring.
I don't know if those options can be easily changed so that they're based on Sam's actions - chosen by the player - rather than via the player "remote controlling" other characters; or if there's a way to reframe what's going on so you understand from the start that You The Player are not Sam, but you're just getting the chance to see what happens in this story.
Does that make sense?