So, after sleeping on my bed for an hour to restore all my HP, here I come to review your game:
Simple, fun and understandable approach to fishing. Could be better with the following:
- Actual button icons on the bottom right instead of just letters.
- If you could look around before casting.
- More animations for the fish sprites. Maybe only one or two more would be enough.
- Hopefully more complex skills or maybe fish "passive" abilities, as currently mashing pull until the fish is tired then reeling, and using your skill as soon as you have a full bar seems to be enough to beat anything.
- If you wanna be fancy, make the mountain reflections half their y-size, and make them shimmer.
- If you have a big dick, make it so you can attract fish by pulling in a rhythm before one of them bites, and make them only really bite if you pull while they're close, to avoid hooking fish you don't want to.
That's it, hopefully I'll check out your full game later on!