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(2 edits)


okay...I was supposed to have done heaps of work on this game this week, but...not so much. I spent a lot of time playing with Twine, trying to polish up some old games to publish them (check out my profile to play them!), which was great on one hand, because I did learn a lot, but on the other hand...didn't get a lot done on The Ritual.

I did decide that instead of a "choice" based text game, The Ritual will be a linear game. While writing the game, the choices I was adding felt very "tacked-on" - they weren't meaningful for the player, and they didn't change the game state in an interesting way. The choices were all boiling down to (A: good choice. B: less good choice). Instead of player-driven choices, I'll be making it so the story is different the second time you play through - two endings, but they're both linear. (if that makes sense...) 

So since that choice, I've written about half the words for the game. The wordcount is sitting at around 1.4k at the moment, & I'm expecting it to be around 3k at the end. I've also noodled around with some CSS with Leethe (see above...), so I'm feeling very positive about the whole thing! I'm hoping to work on some art for the game, or some music, and really amp the "mood" and immersiveness of the game (at least, as much as you can with a text game).

Anyways....since the game structure has changed so much, I thought I'd include the latest twine garden:

As you can see, it's a super short game! I'm just going to try to get it Finished and Polished and Published before the jam deadline & not worry too much about the length. Maybe once it's over I'll write a sequel or a prequel?

ohmigosh it's all so small & neat & beautiful *o*

I think you're wise to keep your scope small! Small can always be embiggened/enriched...