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Solid effort making a 3D game with voiceover, a good deal of work! Only issue was the jump mechanic, a lot of the time Id hit space and he wouldnt jump, which made platforming a bit difficult. I cant really talk though, since my entry has similar issues! Going by the feel of it Id guess youre using collisions for ground detection. Id recommend trying out casting a ray downwards, or as Ive just fixed with mine - casting a ray downwards from the front of the player and the back. That way even if youre on the edge of a platform its still 'grounded' because the rear ray is detecting ground. + have a very short timer that allows for a jump even in mid-air after coming off a platform.  

Either way tho, nice effort!

Thanks for feedback! I am (programmer) totally new to game dev. Tried our best to at least complete the game, because we had little time and big idea. Yes we use collision but we haven't time to fix this bug with jumping, but the tip you gave us will help a lot in feature because we are developing another game with similar issues, thank you very much 💪


No worries, glad to help! 

Best of luck to your other ongoing game, ill keep an eye out for updates for sure :)

This is actually pretty good place for indies. Maybe we will start making dev logs here. Thanks for support and good luck with your projects as well! 🙂