ily: ... she twitches a bit
Daria: Ily, please, you-you're scaring me...
she looks at you confused
Ily: I don’t wanna scare you daria... kitten wants to make you happy..
Daria: I-Ily...I-I don't-I'm not really your master...I-I don't own one does, ok?
ily: ... she starts panting
Daria: I-Ily what's wrong!? H-how do I help!?
ily: she starts sweating mmm... f-find a bottle of black liquid and f-feed it to me... she flops off the bed
Daria nods
Daria: O-ok! I-I'll be right back, ok?
She sprints around the house looking for it
She opens her mini fridge and try’s to cool herself down
Daria finds the bottle and bursts back into the room
Daria: I-I found it!