Play: This is another jam game that harkens back to Old Flash Games- the games came in lots of different flavors, different actions settings characters etc, but the premise was always 'do the thing when you're not being watched, and try and fill up the meter'. Sometimes it's one continuous task (Angel VS Devil series), sometimes it's multiple mini tasks (Slacking series(?)). I don't know what to call this genre, but I loved it when I was young scrolling through GGG- unfortunately, this doesn't really hold up. The decision to invert the classic controls works really well, since instead of holding the button to perform an action and releasing it to act natural, you're holding the button to restrain yourself, so there's like some ludonarrative harmony there. (Made writing this review while playing hard, though.) I don't really vibe with the rest, though. This is a one-task game, so instead of completing small tasks to fill up a checklist, you're trying to fill up a meter. The meter fills up a bit too slowly, so you don't feel like you're making much progress, and it can feel really frustrating. In addition, I think the choice to add an anger meter for the loss condition is detrimental. First of all, using a meter at all is a bit deceptive- it doesn't go up slowly over time like yours, it increases by a set amount a certain amount of times before you lose, so it's more like you have 4 strikes. That being said, strike system works better when you're doing a series of small tasks, but for one big meter, imo it's better to take points off for being noticed. I think that would work better with the premise as well: when she notices you're not focused, she scolds you or starts asking you study questions, and that makes you distracted from the fantasy you'd been imagining, lowering the bar until you focus up again. Fill up the bar to win, drain the bar completely and you lose. If the speed at which the bar changes is good, it creates a fun sort of push and pull dynamic, where even if you mess up you can still fight the current back to winning.
Aesthetic: The characters are very cute, and the pixel art is very well-done. I think the title screen might be a bit too space-scifi-sorta-vibes-like? But it looks nice, so don't replace it if you don't want to lol.
Sound: I'm glad I checked again once I was done- I didn't hear the sound originally bc my computer was doing something weird T_T the music track goes very well with the game, I enjoy it quite a lot. A couple sound effects might be nice?
Narrative: Games like these don't need much framing, but I agree with the other commenter who said that the ending is a bit abrupt. It also just doesn't make much sense- what happens to your character when the meter fills up? Shouldn't that be the incentive for getting to the end?
Horny: It's more of a framing device than a part of the game. The horny elements are pretty weak- big agree with the others who said there should be more in the thought bubble or more actions as the meter progresses. (Not a 'you should have done this', more of a 'you should do this'. Game updates exist!)
Kink: No.
Stealth: It is not stealthy... but it is a stealth game. To rate accurately, or to follow the narrative tendency towards wordplay?
Harmony: I have to score it low here because of my aforementioned issues with the way it plays- I might not have had such a problem with it if I wasn't so familiar with the genre, but in my defense I was baited in by nostalgia and a cute redhead- *shot*
Novelty: As a 'thank you for bringing at least a semblance of respectability to a type of game I regard really fondly', and also as an apology for being mean, I'm scoring it high here.
Final Thoughts: I was probably way too harsh, but I didn't want to delete all that because it took a lot of thinkering lolol. It probably doesn't seem like it, but I really like this premise, and I'm excited to see it improve! I'd recommend all my faves from back in the day so you can see what I'm talking about, but... RIP Flash T_T