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I think it's a really cool concept! It could be commercially viable if only we had more knowledgeable piano players on this planet (and they were somewhat connected). Makes me think of a smash bros but I love that it teaches me scales.

Definitely fits the jam and it's courageous to try a multiplayer concept but you definitely can use this as proof of concept because it is fun!

Some suggestions/ideas:

- music-wise, you could use a sound source that isn't the piano to better separate player input from game music (and make the clashes more obvious when a wrong note is strung)

- still music-wise, have you thought about using an arpeggiator? The idea of have the scale in the background makes perfect sense but an arpeggiator can have dynamic parameters that make the music evolve while staying true to the scale.

- gameplay idea #1: I don't know if shooting is necessary, why not force people to push each other instead? You then have to take the risk to land on the wrong note in order to push someone off.

- gameplay idea #2 : get more points for landing in rhythm (you have to anticipate with the jump speed and note height)

- hardcore mode idea #1: hide the blue helpers. Just state the name of the scale, people have to remember it!

- hardcore mode idea #2: don't tell the player what the next scale is going to be! Make it either random or a logical follow up like the next scale in the circle of fifths/fourths. This means the people who really know their theory get a slight edge by jumping before the scale change and landing on the correct note of the next scale (much like improvisation works actually)

Great job for a first submission, alone and in so little time! You chose to focus on gameplay and it clearly paid off :)

PS. I think your F major scale is slightly off :P

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you for the kind and useful feedback :D

I haven't thought of using an arpeggiator, that might be cool indeed. And actually you can hide the blue helpers, there's a box you can untick in the main menu.

For the F scale, I checked but I couldn't find what's wrong with it yet. x)

Anyway thanks for these ideas, I'll definitely keep them in mind if I keep working on this project !

Np :)