I couldn't figure out how to play this game for the life of me... The controls are confusing, I couldn't figure out where the guitar strings are or how to build the guitar, the items weren't selling, the overall sensitivity of the game is horrible... I'm honestly quite disappointed. This sounds like an interesting idea for a game but it's just not playable. Maybe if the sensitivity was improved, you added a sort of tutorial (before the game actually starts), and you made it more clear where certain parts are it would be better.
First of all, thank you for playing and sorry for the problem of the sensibility, we didn't had the problem in our computers :(
If we update the game we will add an option menu and a sensibility settings
This is a jam game (made under 48-72 hours) thats why the game don't have a tutorial, but the same that the sensibility options, we will update the game with a tutorial to have a clear understanding how to do the craftings and how to play "correct" the game. At the moment I only can say that checkout the shop to see how the things are ordered and check out the posters around the shop with the instructions of the game.
Thanks for the feedback ^^
No worries! Like I said it seems like a really interesting game. Kinda reminds me of My Little Blacksmith. Sorry if I came across really negative, I was just a little frustrated and confused when I left that first comment. I was just confused about exactly how to play it, and where certain items were. Keep up the good work, I can see this being a successful idea for a game on this site!