Play: The gameplay is mostly small visual minigames- drag to unzip a zipper or unscrew screws. I adore this kind of game. Mostly I've seen it with cooking games? I don't want to ramble on and on about old flash games again, everyone's tired of hearing that shpiel, but I can say that basically I've played a lot of games like this, and this is the best type: one that actually lets you do the action instead of just 'click and watch the action happen'. The voltage minigame is clever with just the right of challenge, and this might be a weird thing to comment on, but I liked the way it looked alongside my mouse cursor. Idk, something about the sharp pointer interacting with the small squares made me happy.
Aesthetic: The art looks rough around the edges in a good way. I like the way the sleek panel looks contrasting with the more stylized characters. The background and setting take away from the general visuals, but not too much because it's obvious they're placeholders. The character designs are really interesting to me. Do they have names?
Sound: I thought I couldn't get the sound to work, but then the buzz of the buttons almost jumpscared me. Maybe add a noise to the zipper and the screws?.. ^^' I agree with Impy, though, the sounds are very good and the lack of BGM fits the vibe.
Narrative: It doesn't have one yet- I hope there will be one when it's finished! We only have two character designs to go off, but it's already such an interesting setting.
Horny: Aside from undressing the robot at the beginning, I didn't pick up on much from this game. Did you not just get to it, or is it supposed to be really subtle?
Kink: Again, not picking up on much. Points given for robots, points removed for... where?
Stealth: The subtlety that lost it points in the horny category gains it points here.
Harmony: I think it works very well, what with the minigames and the nice sound, and it'll probably only get better over time. A few more sound effects and maybe something to signify the end of the game are much needed, though, just to help the player out a bit.
Novelty: I like the game concept- not sure what to label this genre besides 'interactive'- and would have loved to see more, but I understand the time crunch.
Final Thoughts: I was a little startled when I hit play and it launched something weird, probably because I haven't seen any game do that before- maybe clarify on the jam page that it launches pretty much a new webpage. It was also 'running with IndexedDB access disabled'? I don't know what that means.