Thank you SO MUCH for your gameplay, review and rating!
Ye,s this game is not an easy one for sure, while I like it this way, players frustration is something I've been trying to fix, as in earlier versions this game was excruciatingly difficult (you can check previous comments, there is a youtuber that wasn't lucky enough to play a more achievable version of Matter)
Intuition is something I've been working as well, I've been quite reluctant to create explicit tutorials, as you mentioned, the mechanics are quite simple and I feel player would feel more immersed in the world if they just learn by intuition, but I still feel I need more implicit guidance to the player, let the game explain by itself few by few
It's curious you mention the audio, as I've only worked in SFX, Matter still needs ambience background and in some certain moments: music. In the following weeks I'd start working on this.
So far the game doesn't give details about story, however I do plan to put an intro scene at the beginning to explain a little about at least how this character got trapped in such a world. This game has only 6 levels, but I plan to put some more that gives clues that there is an story behind, but it would be secondary, only for those who want to pay attention to this details
Again, thank you for your review, if you have any other social networks to follow you please let me know!
Juan Barba