Day 3:
Got all of the dungeon generation for zone 2 (the main dungeon) out of the way, going to try to keep at it and close it off asap. Not having done any tetris functionality is making my antsy, even though it's only day 3. The more this comes together, and the more I think about how the gameplay will work - I don't think my original idea of buttons on the floor are going to to work. There will be parts where the player just wants to get to the next platform but there are no enemies around and the buttons might make it difficult (or worse, impossible!), which is definitely a poor user experience. I'm pretty sure I'm going to allow free control of the platforms. Anyway, here is the (hopefully) final version of the same generation presented in Day 2 post. Much more lived in!
Every year for this challenge I take the week off of work, and usually pour ~14 hours a day into it. When I get tired at the end of the day I switch from programming over to artwork because it's less brain intensive. Last night I spent waaaay too long on this menu screen. It looks pretty good, and I think I'm tracking ahead of schedule, but that time really should have been spent elsewhere.
This ended up pretty bang on! The reason the UI wasn't nearly as close is because I decided that the magic amulet you carry (seen in the inventory screenshot in day 2) can show the next tetris block shape, and takes up significantly less real estate. And you don't really need a UI element to see the current block type, so that just got nixed.