Some of the ideas I've been rummaging around include using card decks for character classes, world (wicket) layouts, events/story (maybe cards, maybe a booklet). Character classes could have different ways of hitting the ball, potentially have different effects (e.g. teleportation - dropping the ball at some designated point or tossing it), different ways of movement (e.g. hopping, single step for heavy hitters), etc. Lot of questions to explore: does going through wickets power up the player, is it co-op or playing against each other, what about special moves (can you hammer a ball into the ground? Move a wicket left or right?), what do the wickets represent (gates? Power boosts?). It'll be an RPG, but just using croquet as a vehicle/material to create it. Could be done for any sport really - baseball, basketball, soccer...I've been thinking about croquet though cause there's quite a lot of different tools/materials that can be repurposed, and I think the pacing of croquet may fit well with a turn-based RPG.