Haha. You’re an discord admin alright, I can tell XD
Well. I can’t argue against you as you are, well, sort of right. But I still think I’m somewhat in the gray zone. It’s plagiarism. No doubt about it. But I don’t think all plagiarism is bad (like, if you take a picture of a painting in an museum. Is that plagiarism?), or how much content from a text is considered plagiarism. Taking pictures from Gamefaqs doesn’t faze me though. I don’t think they have asked Sega for permission to display Sonic covers on their site. I probably shouldn’t take money for what I “make”. But it makes me happy when someone pays me for one of my PDFs since it gives me validation that what I “make” (I know you love it when I make quotation marks) is something worthwhile. But I like comments even more :) Even irate comments :*
On the “terribly gross and misleading way to rip people off” (which sounds a little over-aggressive... like an angry white man (haha. sorry, I knew you would hate being called that. Also sry if triggered)). It already states on the page; “Text and pictures are taken from different sources found online.” And the two pictures is also the reverse of misleading, saying that I don’t own anything in the PDF, and everyone can take from it without giving credit.
Also wondering, what do you think about the modding scene and modding commercially released games? Is it OK if you own a physical copy? Is it OK if it’s non-profit?
Kidding aside, sorry for picking on you (it was mostly in jest), and thank you for your comment (truly). It was fun making this post as I usually don’t interact with people online (even with irlfriend. Got 3 friends on steam haha). Hopefully the project I’m working on is the last and I can finally get some sleep.
Last comment: sorry for the long post which is probably riddled with grammatical errors (just like my books :D ). And also sorry for the overuse of brackets. I really don’t know how to formulate sentences. I’m guessing people would be happy that I don’t give a lot of text input myself.
Yours faithfully
Daniel <3