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I like the final fantasy/Mother 3/GBA aesthetic you have going. Nice pixel art.

My biggest criticism is that the fighting feels quite stiff. If you hit an enemy, you can sooner try to attack again, but it feels kinda stiff. if you attack and miss I found the character would just stay there on the last attack frame and it felt terrible/very slow. Sometimes hitting buttons would make him go back to normal and sometimes it didn't work and I had to do it multiple times. You want your game feel to be solid, after all these are actions the player will potentially be doing hundreds (if not thousands) of times. It needs to feel fun to the point you could say "I could do that forever." At the moment, I don't think it's quite right.

The decision to have the wall detection box move with the character as he jumps resulted in me getting stuck in the tile set and not being able to get back out a couple of times. This happened merely as a result of jumping in certain spots while moving.

Also, while I was stuck on the last frame of my attack animation, I was struck by an enemy wasp and somehow died but managed to bug out of the death sequence. I could then use potions (which didn't heal his HP) and I would just take damage from enemies but the game behaved as if I had HP left.