Alright, so in top-to-bottom order of who my favourites are and why:
Hunter: What can I say, I'm a sucker for kind/gentle loner types. He'll probably stay my fav for most of the VN.
Aaron: He is a loyal bean who must be protecc, and it's nice to feel like someone's 100% got your back from the get-go, no matter what may come.
Ryker: Now bastard with a heart of gold usually comes pretty close to my loner preference, but carries the risk of being pretty hit-or-miss depending on how deeply the bastard is ingrained compared to the heart of gold. This early on it's difficult to tell which way Ryker's going to go.
Hector: Honestly, hector wasn't really doing much for me. I'll stick with him for a while longer since I suspect that my opinion of him is tainted by how negative he seems inAaron's route, but if I end up ignoring a route it's currently looking like it'll be Hector's.