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I’ve to say a lot so I’ll make a list:

Idea: How does it fit into the theme?

Art: Do I have to say something about the art… the animations are awfull! And why does the player not flip? Then the hearts are a bit bright, a more red-ish tone would be better. You can definitively improve here!

Audio: The soundeffects are really good but the music is annoying, mostly because it restarts every time you enter the next level or you die.

Gameplay: The controls are a bit… * meh* Anyway mostly it’s smooth, maybe a bit to smooth at some times. Collisions are fine.

Polishing: Post processing or a few effects(I think thats how it’s called in Construct), then screen shake particles could help to let it look polished

Originality: It’s a simple default platformer, so nothing special.

Then I’ll give you a few tutorials that helped me for good game feel and etc.

Art and animations:

And music:

And These about polish and game feel:

Hope I can help you improve. Can you play and rate my game too?