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(1 edit)

cute little game! The Ava Maria death song was pretty funny! XD I like the art style, though the backgrounds didn't run endlessly like they're supposed to (or how I assume you intended). Also, the jump is REALLY floaty, which didn't really work well because sometimes I'd be mid air and miss a platform because of it. Maybe have a feature where you can quickly come back down, if you wanted to keep the floaty jump?

Also, there's a LOT of text in the beginning between the story and the how to play. It can really put off a player from the get go. While it's good that you're establish the story and make sure the player knows how to play, the gameplay itself is super simple and I think anyone would be able to figure it out just by playing & experiencing it for themselves. 

Overall, it's a good game, so nice work!


Thanks for the feedback! There definitely is a lot of things we have to revisit we just ran out of time but are working on fixing them now 😊 glad you liked the game!