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(4 edits)

❀  名前Name  :  Akio Yuka

ニックネームNickname  :  Yuu  ✯

❀  種Species  :  Siren  - + He can walk on land + -

性別Gender  :  Male  ✯

❀  年齢Age  :  24

セクシュアリティSexuality  :  Gay  ✯

❀  恐怖症Phobia  :  Kenophobia  - + Fear of empty space + -

障害Disorder  :  Anxiety Disorder  ✯

❀  作業位置Working Position  :  Actor

教育Education  :  He has a master degree in acting  ✯

❀  道徳Morals  :  His morals have been shaped that he thinks evil is correct

精神的な強さMental Strength  :  He learns from every experience  ✯

❀  弱点Weakness  :  Impatient  , Self-criticism  , and Insecure

家族Family  :  Etsu Yuka - + Mother + - Hanako Yuka - + Little Sister + -  ✯

❀  好みPrefrence  :  Tall , Skinny , Evil , Teamwork , Sweet food

人Personality  :  Careless , Cold , Gloomy , Petty , Stubborn , Dull , Stable , 

                  Bossy , Clumsy ,  Antisocial , Spoiled , Bold , Hard-working , Adaptable , 

                     Neat , Clever , Tidy , Shy , Hyperactive , Responsible , Trustworthy  ✯

❀  ロケーションLocation  :  Japan , Kyoto

彼からの引用Quote From Him  :  ` ` Hm . . Ugh this is getting boring . ` `  ✯

テーマソングTheme Song  :  Play Date - + Melanie Martinez + -

❀  ウェブサイトWebsite Used  :

(1 edit)

What do you guys think of this OC ? :3

Also I do Roleplay so be free to ask ~

Do you wanna roleplay?

Sure ~

And your oc is?

I'm trying to send it, but it's having problems (´_`)

Interesting oc reminds me of one punch man with one hit killing things B)

Lol I love saitama but she is not based of off him ^^

nice you good with the location o.o

wym lol sorry I'm slow (っ- ‸ – ς)

cool! but how'd you get the mouth and the eye?

Its all in the game I put the link down below B)