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(2 edits)

Hey Wings, you really do have the making of a great AAA creator. I really liked this game. The story and the gameplay was great. This wouldn't be a review if it didn't include constructive criticism though.

I did fine a few things I thought could use some looking into. First was the animation from running to walking. It kind of glitches out a bit when switching between them, which isn't too much of a big deal. Another thing, since the setting is underwater, I don't think doors would creak when opened, if they would, then I believe it would be muffled. As would the footsteps and the pretty much a lot of the sounds.

What I did like were the models, these bad guys look so crazy and the way they sound is great. Kudos on that. The movement as well. I liked how the player wasn't able to run for too long before getting tired. That was a smart move. The gunshots as well. It really felt like I was actually shooting underwater.

The game was great and I would love to see what comes next.

Also, knowing you, I would really like to try out Uni-FPS Controller, not only because I like your stories but, because I do want to support you. Give me some time and I will. 

Anyway, keep it up dude!! I hope the best for you and your team. Good luck!


Hello Aten, Long time. Hope you're doing well. Yeah, the game isn't perfect. I made it alone, in 6 days. It was originally meant to be what The Grim Stuff was, Which was a memory horror survival game, but I decided to put an extra 4 whole days into the project, and made this 1 of 3 episodes, All taking place in the GRIM universe.

The game is actually NOT underwater. It all above ground in an abandoned apartment building set in the same universe as The Grim Stuff and A Grim Tale. It's before creatures learned to live together in that universe. A small percentage of players experience this weird Slo-Mo bug, which might be why you thought it was underwater.

All the animations I made in the engine, by modifying some Mixamo animations. I'm no animator, so the animations kinda just get a free pass because of it lol, but we have an animator now, so episode 2 will be DOPE! look at Twitter for updates on the 2nd episode. Thanks for playing Aten. Glad to see you out and about playing games and hopefully doing well.


Wow.... Could've fooled me about the Underwater thing lmao. I think that would be a cool setting though but nice, glad to see you're still going at it man. I'll definitely try to check some stuff out. I'm currently still going through some shit but, hopefully in the next couple of weeks, I'll manage to settle things down in my own place. But I did take some time to check out some things and try and see what you have been up to as well. I kinda lost contact with everyone so, if you ever talk to them, tell them I said what's up. Like I said though, Keep going at it and I'm sure you'll create some hits :) Nice talking to you again by the way. Stay safe bro.