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I was expecting quite a lot more from a whole team of devs. I think its supposed to be relaxing, and thats really not my thing so this might not be for me. Even so there are a number of things wrong with this. Progression is slow. There is 1 area with the rock spikes that is interesting enough to keep you there long enough. The others...well if you're gonna make me saunterthrough it, then give me something to look at! The animation of the girl is janky and shes levitating half the time. The game has no difficulty, so why bother with the butterflies? I though its supposed to relax, not loom death over your head. I need at least a bit of story, as to why i even should be doing any of this or why i should care about the character. So i never did and the experience is awful - i've wasted my time. Also why bother making a 5 min experience? Well if that experience had something to offer, maybe, but this doesnt. Camera controls are too sensitive for me as well, would like an option to adjust that. 

(1 edit) (+2)

dude its a free game it probably has some flaws but if its such a big problem why dont u have them make a paid version where they improve the game. all im saying is your demands meet with paid games not free ones . plus they made it in a week so dont have such high expectations just bcuz there a group of devs instead of one .


without criticism, how would they improve? And also im keeping others from wasting their time. They chose to make and release this. Has nothing to do with free or paid. I judge the work as is.


ok so basically what your saying is they should put just as much work , time and energy into something they practically give away and something they actually earn something to pay the bills ? Look, you have your own opinions and thats ok all im saying is that your time doesnt mean jack shit to anyone on the dev team on this game . they probably made this just to release a free game fr someone to just play without paying not for some high horsed douche like you. Tip: next time buy  good game youll enjoy instead of criticizing something you got for free.
