I played this a while back and have replayed it a couple of times but never left a review and it's time I rectify that! I've actually only read Carmelita and Ricardo's routes (Ricardo's once, but Carmelita's maybe three or four times) because they're both SO good and so I want to leave myself something (i.e. KP and James's routes) that I know is going to be excellent for a rainy day.
Anyway: I LOVE Carmelita and Ricardo's story. I think it tackles an interesting part of a relationship that no other stories really do, and it's super realistic, and I felt very seen. The romance is *chef's kiss* and I adored Carmelita. Really, she's perfect. Also, I've played games that are more high stakes in terms of life v death, but the choices I made here actually made me sweat because I did NOT need them to break up. And thankfully they didn't :)
I think the supernatural/superhero elements worked really well, not only in terms of just adding another interesting element of the plot, but because figuring out priorities re work + relationships and how to compromise and when to not – those are all things that matter in "normal" life, but had we had just a "normal" setting then I don't think it would have been as interesting to read about. I think this really drove home for me how fantasy settings can really help describe ordinary things, if that makes sense. Tl;dr I just really loved the plot and you are insanely creative to have thought of it, so *bows down*.
Can't wait to eventually read more of your stuff. I'm just going through it SUPER slowly to savour it fully and completely.