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I always find it so awkward to rate prototypes and unfinished games. Very often there's a ton of potential, but in my view it's unfair to other entries to rate what could be instead of what is.

That tangent aside, this is one where the premise and key art immediately grabbed my attention. I'm not sure if the art is meant to be placeholder or not, but I like it! The lack of audio, on the other hand, makes it feel lifeless.

For better or for worse, the menu looks like something straight out of SBIG Jam.

The enemy choice is kinda baffling, though- random junk and stars and bananas or something. I was expecting to see magical girls! I think they may come in later, but I never made it past about 30 seconds of the game. This probably speaks more to my ability than any sort of balance issues, though. Mechanically it actually felt pretty good, with tight controls and solid attacks.

In short I think there's a solid base here but the game isn't there yet, though I doubt that comes as any sort of grand revealation.

On a side note: This game triggers SmartScreen, Windows does not like it very much. I'm not sure what engine this is but I've seen other games with the same icon do the same thing.

(1 edit)

Clickteam Fusion 2.5 games are prone to triggering multiple anti-virus softwares for whatever reason. Usually just submitting a false-positive to the anti-virus software will unmark the game for everyone else, but as far as I know that's just a byproduct of Clickteam actually making a brand new .exe everytime it makes a game as oppose to engines like GM that have a weird runtime that's deemed safe by most anti-virus softwares. (You'll be able to see clickteam games a mile away due to the generic red icon with a yellow lightning stripe in the future.)

I'm working on updating this to include the proper bosses, art, and whatnot but until then thanks for playing. Hopefully you'll swing around again when I finish this up, hopefully sometime this week.

(Also the enemies are meant to be more "magical girl themed", with the bosses being the actual magical girls.)