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the code just stopped working for me near the end

ah, but you see, this is the true Jam Experience.  it's closely related to the Software Demo Effect, where a thing you wrote works perfectly until the exact goddamn moment that you try to show someone else, especially if it's extremely important that it work right then

a+ pixel art.  does that cake have a wiener.  i hope so because that opens up so many opportunities for hilarious attack animations

congrats on starting something!  that's one of the hardest parts of this whole process.  (the other hardest parts are finishing, and the bit in the middle)

Yeah, I'm a mega procrastinator, but this jam was such an inspiration I got to work straight away! Now I'm addicted to making things, & I hope to have some new stuff on here soon! Also, the cake does in fact have a wiener, & he was supposed to use it, but I didn't get that feature in X)   You can also look forward to a well-endowed brownie in my hopeful next build!