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(2 edits)

omg I got goosebumps

but I'm only able to get 2/5 endings I tried everything I could think of D:

What's this unfinished business about? I went around spamming E and using the camera to make sure I didn't miss anything. Is there something to do with the diner? Why don't I get any response from the grave even after my good deeds?

there are a few endings that can be hard to find if you don't have a clue where to look, every little detail is important

can u like release a guide or somethin, at least some hints, im too slow to think of anything :/

lol okay

yo, can you help me out I got the suicidal ending, can you tell me the other one if that's one that you got, if not, then how did you get the endings u did? I'm super confused.