Hi, I just uploaded a new version, could you see if you have the same issue? Also what OS are you using?
Windows 10 Pro. It's slightly different. When I am in the [-] area, I can now right- and left-click. It seems to add or remove triangles randomly (either that or the final triangle it adds is blue just like the void, hard to discern, colors of the triangles added(?) change randomly between black, yellow, grey, red and blue).
I can now also place shapes in the [0] space. I see now that it looked strange simply because it was empty with no discerning features anywhere. I believe the primary problem I'm having is that the movement speed seems to be WAY too high.
Example: I am in the [0] space (grey background). I place a triangle. I tap [S], it is gone. I tap [W], it is back. I tap [W] again, it is gone, I tap [S] I'm back at the triangle. Same with [A] and [D]. Every time I tap a button I seem to instantly move a great distance. But it seems more like discrete jumps, as long as I tap only very quickly and don't move the mouse to change where I'm looking, I can always end up back at my triangles.