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I love this game. Really well built. And the Android version is a perfect match to the win64 version, which is no small feat.

I was wondering if there's a reason she's so polite about position changes even when she's so mean about everything else... I mean, I would've expected a "sit, dog!" rather than a "you can sit". Kind of breaks the subspace at a critical moment, at least for me.

That having been said, again, awesome game.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your suggestion, you made it just in time as 0.4 is coming out today(Patreon memebers only until 12 April). I managed to still put it in. Pose changing was lacking a mean text version, guess I went lazy on it when making 0.3 or something :D

Thank you. That's awesome.

Is there a list of all the texts somewhere? I may not have a way to get funds out to Patreon, but I would be happy to do some proofreading, if that'll help you in any way.

I wish that I had text stored in some more reasonable way, but I am afraid that it is a pure chaos. When I was staring this project I really had no good idea of what I was doing. Each update I am trying to sort it out bit by bit but I have no decent way of getting it out and to send it to someone.