I've uploaded a Windows version that you can unzip and play. Will try to get it compatible with the itchio app shortly, but it should work this way for now.
Thank you! I'm suspecting that it's some sort of glitch in the app, though, because I still couldn't install it. I do have a screenshot of the info that the app displayed regarding the failure. I logged into Itch via my browser instead, and had no problem. Let me know if you want to see the image. For me, however, the issue is resolved. Thanks for your timely attention!
Ya I did! It still won't work through the itch io app installer, but I can download the games that wouldn't download from the app, at least from the website instead. Unfortunately, that just means it acts as a separate download. So when I play the game I can't do so from the itchio app launcher. I have to do so from where I downloaded the game to. Which is fine. As long as I can play the game!