Hey, thank you for creating such a snazzy point and click adventure game. 我很高興能夠找到在中國獨立的遊戲開發者, 我最近找到你的前作, Vincent: G4 Incident. 同樣是很棒的作品. (雖然前作的SAVE系統很不友好TAT還有翻譯法文挺有趣的)
I just wanted to ask about the previous game's endings and how it factors in the new revelation in Ch3.
--Just so nobody scrolled down and get spoiled--
Both endings in Vincent: G4 Incident ended in Vanora's demise. She is then reprogrammed to start again by Vincent in this new game. The question is, did Vanora choose to shoot the Clone of Vincent?
Because to me, that will change who Vanora the character is significantly.
If she refused to shoot Vincent because she have a last bit of pity (Her mission is "take care of the traitor", not murder out right.) This mean her interpretation of orders is less cut throat. That means Vanora has a moral code she abide by despite stating that everyone's sacrifice is for the good of the company.
If she agree to shoot Vincent because a certain Dino said so. That means that her statement that all sacrifices is for the good of the company over writes whatever personality she has originally. In this ending, this makes Draco's admiration of her confusing, she followed her programming till the end just like him.
G4事件 - Vanora認真死板到會強迫Vincent進女廁所的程度. 可是真正表現她還有一點常識的地方就是打開廁所間裡面有機器人時她會道歉. 她跟所有冒險遊戲主角一樣會到處翻箱倒櫃. 追問Draco這裡有沒有養貓這一點可能代表她喜歡貓?
Myer的秘密 - 沒有記憶的情況下會害怕擔憂反而顯得比較有人情味. 非常嚴肅的一面顯現於她還是沒有幽默感. 身為警察的推理能力讓她可以用一個房間裡的物品推斷她所在的地點. 回憶裡藍皮膚的同夥就算對公司毫無忠誠心, 似乎對Vanora有一點點同伴情所以才會給她忠告. Vanora關於愛情的見解卻出乎意料的可愛(?). 愚忠的傻孩子.
P.S. Vincent and the Amazing Heads 只在ios有所以我沒玩, 沒有蘋果手機的痛苦. 還有中英混雜難讀很抱歉.