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Ok can you send me a file called Autonauts_Data/output_log.txt please? You'll find it where you've installed the game.

I don't know how i can transfer file :/

Is that good ?

Not the one inside the zip file, I mean the one on your computer. Each time you run the game it will update this file on your computer

That ?

When you click LOAD do you get the load screen?


What version of Windows are you using?

Windows  10


Ok I've added this to the bug list but I might not be able to fix it in time for this week's release. In the mean time you could try installing the game using official app. You can find it on the front page of Itch and it works just like Steam and keeps your game up to date with the latest release. Installing this way might fix your saving problem.

(1 edit)

Ok I have already installade the official app  but i will wait for the update after , to see if you have resolved this problem

Big thanks !!  :D