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So there will be a time when you realize you bit off more than you can chew. I know I am feeling that way today. Its almost guaranteed in a week long game jam. My advice  -  Even if you dont have real gameplay or graphics, use these last two days to kinda wrap it up with a menu and a way to exit the game. (if possible) We will have a post mortem at the end of the jam discussing what we did and what we could do better next time around.

This jam is particularly made to build portfolios and record progress. So even if you didn't get as much done this time around, next Optical Jam come back even stronger and hopefully you will see improvement in your work. 

Long story short. Fail dude! Its important sometimes. All about how you handle it. 

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I honestly do feel like I failed big time, but I did learn a lot about designing games, so I won't have such a hard time next time :D

There's actually a great motto a lot of professional game designers go by: "Fail Faster" because if you don't screw up, you never truly learn how things really work.

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Not a big bite chunk, to be honest. It's really simple project, but I misestimate amount of spare time out of weekend. I used to build things from scratch so I spent some time on, well, rather low-level stuff. 

For now, I managed to transform it into very basic infinite runner...