But I also deal with marketing, but with moderate success. While I have to have a good idea to create a video game. Find it in my head is almost always impossible. When I created the first version of a video game, the idea was came from the need to flirt witht a woman. I represented a message with colorful three-dimensional scrolling text over an image in motion, with an Assembler language program. She was a painter and did not have much interest in the computer, so I failed; but I kept the source code. Then a my animalist friend, complained of a colleague who do hunting on Wednesday and told me: "Let you do him a joke, paint him as many hunters who shoot him." I also merged sliding text with the demo for a final goal. In a month I built the first 16 Bit version. Then I had to create a sort of editor to define the levels. I invented the screenshots, which I draw AutoDesk Animator, unite images with my own program to create, in about three days, a game-level. After about 3 weeks the graphics were OK. I have programmed the sounds and the music with a language invented by me. Finally, I made the conversion to 32 Bit. In about 3 months. Et voilà, les jeux sont fait!