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(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, Daniel! Thanks for commenting, it means a lot to me!

Yeah, the font seems to be a problem, haha. I will most likely try to fix it in the near future, as soon as I have the time. I had a little update in mind for May/June where I’d introduce a new room to the house, unrelated to the critical story path, but with its’ own little story. If anything, it will be patched in then.

Unfortunately, Joice for Amelia had to be canned, but I’m currently exploring narrative ideas that are connected to Joice “truth-wise”. When I make things (games, stories, etc.) I tend to include a fundamental “truth”, which is usually hidden from the average player under layers of “the fake”, things which I add in. I realised this posthumously, but 1968 is an exploration of the relationship with my father, that is 1968’s “truth”. The reason Joice had to be canned is because “the truth” of that project was different than what I feel it is now. I’m hoping to offer some news on the new, as of yet unnamed project this semester, but school and personal life is crawling up my back and I don’t really have time to work on it as much as I’d like to. If there are any news to be shared, it’s through my twitter account, @dev_cuttlfrsh. I can’t post general announcements about my games on here, so that’s the best place to keep an eye out!

Once again, thank you so much for your kind words and your interest!