I can't believe I didn't know about Perrey, even thouh I've heard him everywhere by his simples, thank's for helping me discover him! This is really a great tribute to the musician.
Playing this game also reminded me of a discution we once had on indieMag about what is a game and what isn't :D The double meaning of the word play (play the game/play the music) is well applied here!
I really liked the somewhat "active" way of listening to his music, I wish it would be longer (ok ok I'm aware it was a jam game made in a weekend ;)! Also making this technically work seemlessly probably wasn't simple so chapeau bas!
The clean visuals work very well , they are coherent with the general style of the game and the music. If you ever work on this project further maybe you could add some sort of visual animation in rythm that would also respond to buttons. It's not necessary but would probably add to the experience.
Anyway Congrat's on your entry, it's suprising and enjoyable!