Wow! This is fantastic. A couple of notes I had:
- Hostile pawns are supposed to be rendering red, and I only have a vague idea as to why they are rendering black on your screen. Part of the problem is that the game relies on font files installed on your computer, so A King in Checkxile can actually look different depending on what OS you are using. Definitely not our intention and something we are looking into.
- It's really easy to miss picking up keys, as well as what keys even do. Both of those are things we're working to improve upon, so you never have "Wait, did I grab the key?" or "Wait, what is a key?" moments.
- I don't want to spoil anything, but towards the end you made a comment about being unsure if we were trying to troll you. Haha, not at all. It's supposed to do that, but you got an exceptionally strange RNG for that room. It's not intended to be that ... much.
- Similarly, the AI at times is a little simplistic. We're talking about making tweaks to make some hostile pieces try to preserve themselves more. But for being an AI that was built entirely from scratch over the course of about 12 hours, I'm pretty happy with how it works :)
Thanks for putting this together, it's a great watch!