Will you ever make the game free?
Yes, when I'm rich. So, it's not for tomorrow :)
Lol, So will you ever make it mac compatible?
Plus, How rich?
When I'm rich enough not to work.
Mac version? Yes, when I'm rich enough to buy a Mac :)
Jesus, lol i need a mac version to atleast to buy the game :/
Would you be interested by an Android version?
Yes, i actually would! :)
And, do you have discord?
The Android version is in development. There is only a few months left to wait.Nope for discord.
Atleast there is a android version on its way, Thank you!
It has been awhile... is the android version released
No sorry. It takes time because I do not have much free time (between work, children, ...).
do you mean android or windows