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(1 edit)

After I finished Leo's route, I was depressed for at least 2 days...

I mean, even though Chase didn't like echo, he shouldn't left Leo alone like that. He should've at least  communicated with him for the past 3 years, but damn...

That was why Leo's obsession with Chase got worse that it even influenced THE entity in echo.


Its reveled in Jenna's route that Chase would text Leo at night when he was at collage. He even said he loved him and would come back someday! So Chase added to Leo's obsession.

I think Chase should have stayed with Leo and not gotten on the train...

That would've been my choice if it's available...

It's just so DEPRESSING that Chase didn't gave Leo a chance, he should've at least trusted Leo.

Yeah, that would have been nice!

There should have been a hidden route where Chase stays with Leo.

Are you on discord?

Yeah, I am!

I'm on the Echo discord server, I'm Drakesnake.
I post about theories, and how I wish Leo could be happy. Also post links to my Echo fanfiction there.


Yeah, you on there too?

I know it sounds dumb but.....

can you tell me how to join?

Well, you need a discord account and an invitation to the server.

I think Echo project has an open invite on their patreon page