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I'm very late to this party, but still, I think you guys "won" the Valentine's Jam. ;) While the manga style was a nice bonus, the real highlight for me was the writing. It's not that easy to balance the drama and humour without going over the top or struggling to set up a clear tone, especially in a short game that doesn't have room to transition between "proper" storytelling and fluff. However, this game really did a great job of being both consistently funny and very real when it needed to. The way the main characters acted really made all the sense in the world considering they were crumbling messes, trying to adapt to their new situations and in the end gravitating towards each other. With a bit more time and a longer, more nuanced plot, it could've been exceptional by any measure, but for a jam entry, it was a really lovely treat. Thank you for putting it out. ^^


<happy squeeing noise~>


<happy squeeing noise~> x2