I adore this game!
I can't wait for the full release and I rarely ever pay for visual novels, but this is so interesting that I just have to. I mean, take my money!
The character designs are so pretty and vibrant, I love how you can get an input into their personalities through the way they dress and their facial and even their facial structure.
I can't wait to get to know them all.
Only downside is that they are all so amazing, I don't know how I'll be able to choose. Guess, I'll playing for a long, long time then. Gotta get every boy some love!
I also love how Lyle actually has personality and troubles whereas some novels make the MC really bland and 2 dimensional just to go more in-depth with the love interests. You can tell a visual novel is going to be good when they put effort into the psyche of the MC.
I also like how instead of completely focusing on the love interests, the story (of what I have seen in the demo) sheds light and builds on Lyle's other relationships (Tilly, Cole) and also the dynamic between the dolls.
I eagerly await the full game and any updates about it in the meantime!
Amazing work!