Wow I love love love this game! It's dripping with mood and humor and the art is amazing!
Things I liked:
- The art. Oh man I LOVED all your hand drawn assets totally made the mood for the game. And they are really good!
- I loved the instruction screen such dark humor and such a creative take on the theme
- The vampire is so funny how the vampire hides behind a lamp shade and the cats don't notice him
Things that could be improved:
- The title and instruction screen should have some music. I expected music on these screens especially the instruction screen to complement that beautify designed card.
- It's a bit anti-climactic when you finally reach your dinner and you go strait to the next level. I would love some kind of animation or sound signalling victory of the level. Like maybe the sound fx of a straw slurping. Then fade into the next level.
- After I finish the second level I just get a white screen, is that because you ran out of time?
Overall the art, mood, humor, and use of theme in this game is fantastic! Well done!