Thanks for making another showcase! We have also started working on the sounds of the game, keeping your feedback in mind but they aren't implemented yet. We hope to showcase them soon. What are your thoughts on the game right now? We'd love to hear from you.
They are much the same as last time, but I am more able to see and understand the direction you are going. Most of the actual gameplay is rather simple and hard to report on so far, but the main idea is displayed. I noticed a progressions bar, does that give you something, like new abilities or make you grow? Anyway, something that is very clear, and that I do really like so far is the art-style! Great work on that!
We're very happy to hear you like the art choices that our artists have made, they're doing a great job.
To answer your question about the progress bar, It indeed will unlock certain abilities and gameplay elements the further it progresses.
We are still working on some of our gameplay mechanics. Over the course of the coming few weeks almost all of our planned mechanics should be added to the main build. So we hope you will enjoy those as they get added.
As always, we greatly appreciate both your interest in our project as well as the input and feedback you give us.